Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What If We Never Threw Away a Coca Cola Bottle ?

-Coca Cola had an idea to expand the life a the Coca Cola bottle, by creating 16 different type of caps. Each cap does something different. You can have a water gun, bubble wound, to spry, marker, etc. It was created in china.

Coke gave away 40,000 of these caps. Coke started the campaign to encourage people to recycle in Vietnam. It give more use to the product, rather then just drinking a coke and throwing it out. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was a really innovative idea, but with so many caps it was probably costly and not time efficient to make. I thought this would be a great as viewed as a promotional campaign to recycle coke bottles rather than a permanent idea. If there were fewer caps, such as the ones that proved to be most useful then maybe this would be able to grow into a new phenomenon. - Victoria Olivencia
