Saturday, November 29, 2014

When was the last time you had a coke in a glass bottle? 

Over time Coca Cola change its packaging. It was originally in a glass bottle, but as years went on they created new ways to package this drink. Now you have it in plastic bottle or cans. Each bottle size are different too


But now, since Coca Cola sales are going down, the company brought back glass bottles in hope to bring up sales. With bring back the glass bottles, they made the packaging smaller to, 7.5 ounces, to be less then 100 calories. This surprising brought up the sales of Coca Cola. Last year Coca Cola sales went up 9% and this year 19%. 

Now since we have to options of glass and plastic bottles, people are questioning that Coca Cola tastes different in a glass bottle. I tried it and i agree with that it does. Coca Cola spokespeople said differ. They say that the great taste of Coca Cola is the same regardless of packaging it comes in and that in a particular way that people choose to enjoy this Coke can affect their perception of taste. Yes the formula is the same, but according to FDA that packaging can change the flavor to the drink. Aluminum can might absorb small amounts of soluble flavor from the side or the acetaldehyde in plastic bottles might migrate into the soda. Even though the FDA does regulates that chemical contact but even the allowable amount can alter the flavor of the great Coca Cola.  There are other factors that can change the flavor of the side but over all your best bet for a pure coke is in a glass bottle. 

Here's a video of all the coca cola bottles in the commercial 

Thursday, November 27, 2014


- Coca Cola made a commercial for the Super Bowl showing the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade. The commercial about a ballon of a Coca Cola bottle and having Underdog and Stewie Griffin fight over the bottle.  Theres a twist at the end of the commercial.
       This idea was created by a 12 year old boy. His father Wieden+Kennedy was the creative director, he was working on an idea for a commercial during the super bowl and his son gave him the idea of commercial. The commercial was named in Adweek's  as the best Super Bowl spot of the decade. 
Heres the link if you want to know more about the story be hide the commercial. 

Heres this amazing commercial. 

- I couldn't find a lot of commercials for thanksgiving, but  i found one from the 1950. In the commercial it talks about hospitality of Coca Cola during thanksgiving. This commercial is not a funny one but forces more on what Coca Cola image is as an company. 

-Just like Halloween, Coca Cola offers Recipes for Thanksgiving, and little message saying "Happy Thanksgiving from Coca Cola" 
Heres the Link: 

Heres are some cool Pictures i found when i Googled thanksgiving Coca Cola 

A store used all Coca Cola brand extensions and some other drinks that cokes offers and made a Turkey. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Coca Cola Teaser Commercial 

Coca cola release a teaser commercial, making you want to know what happens and wanting you to watch the commercial. People have the need for closure, so company tend to make teasser message since they will be remembered more then others.

Heres the first one

Coca Cola even got the consumes involve with the teasers commercial. Image you talking to your co work about how you saw this coke commercial and you voted for one of the teams to win. Right there your product is being knew and getting talked about which might not have happen with other the commercial.  They played some commercials adding some details to each party, and how much time did they stall or took up by something else. Giving you hints on who you should vote for

Here's the link of all the chase videos, some are pointless and was just adding some information about it.

They played the last video during the Super Bowl in 2013. Ignore that fact the the Super Bowl already has plenty of viewer, but by playing this ad you might have people watch the game just because of this commercial, to get that closure we so desperately need.

have to click on this link to find out... :) 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What If We Never Threw Away a Coca Cola Bottle ?

-Coca Cola had an idea to expand the life a the Coca Cola bottle, by creating 16 different type of caps. Each cap does something different. You can have a water gun, bubble wound, to spry, marker, etc. It was created in china.

Coke gave away 40,000 of these caps. Coke started the campaign to encourage people to recycle in Vietnam. It give more use to the product, rather then just drinking a coke and throwing it out. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

We live in a culture that health and fitness is one of our top issues. Coca Cola isn't a healthy product, as we saw in my past post. They created a new type of Coca Cola, which is called Coca Cola Life. They also changed the color of the labeling from red to green. Coca Cola Life is lower in calories, and its all natural.  Its has stevia in it. Coca Cola, didn't release Coca Cola life to America right away, they advertised in other countries like Argentina. It wasn't until November 4, that they released it nationwide. 

Why did Coca Cola change the color from Red to Green? 

The reason on why they changed the color of the label, so it can stand out in the shelf. Another thing is, that green is a symbol of being all natural. 

What's Stevia? 

-Stevia is a plant, that doesn't add calories to your diet when you consume it. It it part of the Asterace family, and related to the daisy and ragweed. The species of stevia, Stevia rebaudiana, are grown in Paraguay and Brazil. People use this stevia bush to sweeten food for over hundreds of years and sometimes even for medicines. Stevia is also 200 times sweeter than sugar in the same concentration.

Here is a Commercial ad that played in Argentina (2013)

Coca cola life might have a life after all. According to USA Today, it said the Coca Cola life already has replace 75% or more of their normal soda purchase. People are saying it taste pretty good. The new label is appealing to consumers and that 1/3 of people who haven seen the Coca Cola life, did purchase it. Also 80% of the consumers that bought the Coca Cola life, said they would buy it again. Many stores sold out of this product, and that customers were calling up the store in ahead of time and asking if they could put it on the side for them.  Coca Cola is working to becoming a leader in this interesting and emerging category of drinks.  
