Friday, October 31, 2014

-Happy Halloween! Here's an ad that Coca Cola used in the past for Halloween. 

-Also last year Pepsi showed an ad that makes fun of Coca Cola. In the ad you see a can of pepsi wearing a cape the has "Coca Cola" on it.  So Coca Cola played an ad that went against it. 

-Here are the two ads next to each other.

-Another thing that Coca Cola does for halloween is they have costumes. They also have it on their website on how to make your own Coca Cola costumes (DIY). Another thing they have on the website, they give you some craft ideas and stencils for pumpkins.  Here is the website, if you love Coca Cola and want to spend your halloween dressing like the brand or  having a pumpkin with the brand logo carved.

-The Halloween costumes 

-The pumpkin stencils 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How do you feel about Coca Cola advertising to your children? 

It wasn't until May 2013, that Coca Cola vowed not to target kids under the age of 12. Before this, Coca Cola targeted all ages, with the commercials they aired or even toys they made. 

Here are some of the toys that Coca Cola sold 
Barbie Doll


Teddy Bear



Here's a commercial, that Coca Cola aired. In the commerical you'll a BABY drinking Coca Cola.

Many Americans blame soda companies for the obesity problem we have with the children. I know when my nephew was younger, he would cry when we didn't have soda on the dinner table. He would only want to drink soda, never wanted water or juice. Coca Cola now as a company is trying to join the fight with obesity with their "Coming together" campaign.  

Here's the ad, you will see from Coca Cola showing  that they have lower calories options 

The food nutritious mocked Coca Cola by making fun of their  Polar Bears. By this commerical being aired, it gave a bad image for the company. That's why Coca Cola no long shows ads targeting children uner the age of 12.
Here's the video that the food nutritious made to mock the Coca Cola bears. 

But is it really Coca Cola's fault that children want to drink soda rather than water or anything that is healthier. What about the parents? Brands are also transfered to children by what their parents have in their home. If the children sees their parents drink Coca Cola instead of water or something healthier, then the children will end up doing the same by just watching there parents. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

-Coca Cola is an Idiosyncratic company. It can appeal to everyone but they will target a subculture. Coca Cola will target multiple subculture such as generation Y, like I mention before. 

-Another subculture that Coca Cola tends to target is the Football culture. During the Superbowl I remember playing a game with my friends, that we will count how many Coca Cola commercials we see during the game.  Coca cola, does this a lot when it comes a game season. Like this past summer, the world cup was around, so coca cola made a commercial for the World Cup like it does during the Super Bowl. 

-Here's one from two years ago, with the polar bear watching the game live and drinking a coke. 

-Here's a commercial that that also played during the Super Bowl. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

- Coca Cola had a campaign that talk about sharing your coke with someone. Like in the picture, the bottles will have people names on it. So when you went to the store, you could have your name on a coca cola bottle. It like your own personal bottle. Once people got there soda with their names or friends name, then they will post the picture on social media and hash tag #ShareaCoke. By doing this you can have the social media advertising your company. Also by Coke doing this they were targeting an subculture, such as the millennials generation or generation Y. Another thing Coca Cola did for people like me who couldn't find their names on the Coca Cola bottles, was they had a Coca Cola tour. During the tour, they had this machine that made a personalize your own mini coca cola can.  Also they gave a chance for you to win free tickets to a concert or 5 dollars off to the movies when you shared a Coke. 

Heres one of their commercials they did during this campaign. 

Also you can see in the people in the commercial are the millennials or generation Y.